Mason Catastrophe Services, Inc.
Team Leader
Roles and Responsibilities
Mason Catastrophe Services is dedicated to providing world class customer service for the carrier clients that we serve. As a Team Leader, you are integral to the process. Just as our clients have high expectations of Mason, we have high expectations of you. You have been selected for this position based on your exemplary performance and demonstrated desire to provide the utmost in customer service.
As a team leader your primary role is to act as the liaison between the carrier management and the Mason adjusters. Each carrier and to some extent each storm will be different. You must be flexible to meet the needs of the carrier(s) we are supporting on that particular storm. Mason management will make every effort to limit your responsibility to supporting one carrier. However, in some instances you may be working with more than one carrier. In those cases, it is important to clearly understand the different requirements of the carriers you are working with.
Your primary
responsibilities include:
Conducting a detailed
The team leader is responsible for conducting a detailed orientation with each adjuster. This is most efficiently done in a group setting but may need to be done with individual adjusters. The orientation must include a detailed explanation of the requirements and expectations of the specific carrier that the adjuster is working for. The orientation must also include an explanation of the Mason’s requirements and expectations. This includes explaining the Data Management and Tracking web site. All assignments must be entered on the data base. The team leader will work with Forrest Marlin, Director of IT, to ensure that each adjuster has a password and is authorized on the management system.
The team leader may be required to organize and make adjuster assignments. You should make every effort to make assignments in such a manner as to allow each adjuster to make the most efficient use of their time. An efficient adjuster is a productive adjuster. All things being equal, a carrier will choose to keep the most productive adjusters to work cleanup. Typically the most efficient way to organize claims is by zip code. You may also want to use one of the mapping programs. When working a storm like the Dallas hail storm, be careful about overloading an adjuster with difficult claims. Your goal is to be as fair as possible while maximizing productivity.
Evaluate Adjusters
Adjuster evaluation is an ongoing process. Early in the storm you may not know everyone so your evaluation will limited in scope. You need to identify some adjusters who you can use as “hot shots” or large loss adjusters. Mason management will be able to assist you. As the storm progresses you will become better acquainted with the adjusters and will be able to manage them based on their demonstrated skills. You will be expected to release adjusters whose performance does not meet the carrier’s or your expectations. Before releasing any adjuster you must contact Mason management. Doug Crawford, Director of Operations, is your primary point of contact. At the end of the storm or when an adjuster is released, you will be expected to complete an individual adjuster evaluation. Please be fair in your assessment of the adjuster and do not base it on personal bias.
Review Claims
You must review the first three claims worked by each adjuster to ensure they are complying with the carrier’s service expectations and file requirements. Each carrier has different expectations and you must ensure compliance. For instance: Scottsdale requires an Insurance to Value evaluation on each claim. This is because they have many properties that may be under insured. The adjuster must understand the specific way that the ITV is to be calculated and reported. You may not be required to review every claim. However you are responsible for ensuring the adjusters work product meets the needs of the carrier.
Conduct Ride-Along(s)
and Reinspections
You may need to conduct either ride-along(s) with the adjusters or reinspections of their claims. Mason may provide a designated Reinspector to work with you. You will need to work closely with the reinspector to insure that the reinspections are prioritized and that all adjusters are evaluated. You may also work with a carrier reinspector. You will need to be sure the reinspector and adjusters are working under the same requirements.
Support Mason
Training Program
Mason Catastrophe Services recognizes the need to expand the pool of qualified adjusters. We have developed a training program designed to allow identified candidates to succeed in a career as an independent adjusters. You may have trainees assigned to you. You will need to identify experienced adjusters (for the trainees to ride with) who can mentor the trainee. You and the training adjuster will need to provide continuous feedback to the trainee. After a period of time that you deem appropriate, you will assign a few files to the trainee to work on their own. You will need to review each file in detail and provide additional coaching and training for the trainee. You will keep Mason management informed of the progress of the trainee. As the trainee is able, you will provide an increasing workload for them.
Supervise Adjusters
You will be supervising adjusters on a daily basis. You will be expected to work seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Your supervision will include coaching and mentoring adjusters and regular communication with each adjuster. You should provide all adjusters with your cell phone number so they can discuss any issues with you.
Manage Reports
You will need to either review on line reports or provide reports on a daily basis to Mason and carrier management. Adjusters are required to enter each assignment in the Mason database. You need to insure that all adjusters are complying. Many carriers will be using this database to track and manage their claims. You must monitor it closely. You may also be required to provide other reports such as time sheets and reinspection reports. Organization is the key to accurate and timely reporting.
In addition to communicating with adjusters, you will be expected to communicate regularly with Mason and carrier management. Remember you are Mason’s on site management representative. Always conduct yourself in a calm professional manner. In most cases you will be the expert in handling claims and your opinion and suggestions will be highly valued.
Problem Solving
Each catastrophe will present unique challenges and opportunities. The successful team leader will be a quick thinking, flexible problem solver. Take each challenge as an opportunity to exceed the client’s expectations and you will do well. Do not hesitate to call Mason management for advice or assistance.
Being a team leader at a catastrophe site is a challenging and rewarding opportunity to provide service to insurance policyholders in a great time of need. We appreciate you for choosing to work with Mason Catastrophe Services and we will do everything we can to help you be a successful team leader.